No More Epic Posts

Last week, I deviated from my previous posts by cranking out a 1500-word epic about Lance Armstrong.  My original goal was to stimulate an invigorating discussion about the effects that a LA conviction could have on the entire bike industry, on bike commuters like you and me.  I laid out some facts.  I asked for comments.  But alas, no one obliged.

Upon reading my Google Analytics stats, I realized no one actually finished my homeric blog post.  Whoops!  So, lesson learned – I’ll be cutting down the length of my posts, but-BUT! The question still remains.  What will be the effect, if any, on you and me if Jeff Novitzky and his fellow federal investigators determine that Lance Armstrong is a lying, cheating fraud?  Collapse of the Trek?  Demise of LiveStrong?  Absolutely no effect?  Holler at me in the comments.

On a side note, I jokingly claimed that I wanted to improve my search engine ranking for the “Lance Armstrong is a self righteous dick” query.  I’m proud to say that I am number one for that.

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